Services and Policy


Please cancel 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment so we may schedule in another customer. Cancellations done less than 48 hours in advance may be subject to a charge of 50% of your service.

No Shows

Are subject to a charge of 50% of your service.

Lash Fixes

We provide free lash fixes within the first 4 days as customer satisfaction is our #1 priority.

External Fills

External fills with have an added $10 fee. Depending on the condition of your lash extension, they may need a removal and new full set applied.

Patch Test

We do provide free patch tests. During a patch test we will apply 10 lash extensions per eye and wait 24hrs to see if a reaction occurs, if not we can proceed with your scheduled appointment!

***If you have reacted in the past, we have the right to refuse service until a patch test is performed***


We kindly ask that you do not bring guests along to your appointment.